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3 Questions About Wigs: Helping Your Newly-Diagnosed Salon Client
FEATURED IN MODERN SALON: I remember back in the late 1980s, during my interview to sign up for beauty school, the school owner told me that I had chosen a great profession. He explained that given our world of growing technology, computers could aid me in this profession but could never replace me.

Hair After Cancer: Whether to Whisper, Talk, or Shout
FEATURED IN MODERN SALON: Many times during a Hello Gorgeous! Makeover Experience, a woman may tell us that she no longer feels "girly." We know that cancer steals everything that makes a woman feel feminine; her eyelashes, her eyebrows, and even her hair.
Your Salon Guest Has Cancer. Now What?
FEATURED IN MODERN SALON: I remember the day that I was standing behind the chair. I took a look at my schedule for the day to see who was coming in. I am sure that I am not the only one that has their favorite salon guests. I was excited that day because one of my favorite guests was on my schedule.